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Brand Evolution

Just like people, a company will grow, change and transform over time. This natural progression is necessary for your business to stay at the forefront of the latest industry advancements and to better position yourself in the ever-changing minds of your consumers. No brand should ever be left static. This is especially true when it comes to your logo. First impressions count. Your logo is the face of your business, the very symbol that draws customers in and gives a snapshot of your overal...

August 19, 2022

The Wonderful World of Canva

When first stumbling across Canva you may feel like you’ve struck gold. Endless designs, images, fonts, templates. But are all these choices good for a brand? Don’t get me wrong, Canva can be a very helpful tool for small business…if used correctly. Social media platforms like Instagram have upped the visual marketing game. A new high standard has been set for marketers to create visual content that tells a story, and you’ve probably noticed yourself that you are more drawn to...

June 10, 2022

It’s time to renovate your sponsorship plan.

 A global crisis can either paralyse your marketing activities or galvanise a plan to help them thrive. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s exactly what we’re seeing: some companies are cutting back on marketing and sponsorship activities,  unfortunately job losses are a reality for many across the globe, while others are taking this time to reflect on their marketing plan. For many business, this pause has created an opportunity to evaluate “business as usual or st...

April 1, 2020 Posts 1-3 of 3 | Page